My Bluetooth works really well, but the range leaves something to be desired, so I decided to experiment and put a little bit better Bluetooth antenna on the Viper-II to see if I can get better reception. I believe my stock antenna had the plastic cover knocked off it, all I had was a wire hanging there, but I doubt that really hurt the reception much.
So this is a lousy experiment, I did not even check reception before I changed it out, but with the new antenna on there it doesn’t start cutting out till I’m approximately 100 ft behind or in front of boat. I was sitting in my backyard swing and it was still playing, I took a photo how far away the boat was. There may be better antennas out there, I’m not sure, I was looking for something inexpensive just to experiment with, this cost about $6 on Amazon.
If you’re having Bluetooth range reception issues, might be worth something to experiment with. Takes about 30 seconds to change out at the most. Here’s a link to the one I have, but there’s about a million choices.…